Covid and Food Security
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious impact on the normal operation of the world economy and society. The Pandemic has disrupted both health and transportation system. In addition to increased international shipping costs, the restricted labor mobility and reduced production efficiency further exacerbated supply constraints and caused consumption degrades.
The pandemic halted and even reversed economic progress of most countries around the world. The deep global recessions triggered by the pandemic and regional conflicts are expected to impact all aspects of human lives, including employment loss, income reduction and food insecurity. The economic downturns put millions of people back into poverty. According to the statistics of United Nations, about1 in 10 people worldwide are suffering from hunger, and nearly 1 in 3 people lack regular access to adequate food.
The presence of pandemic has negatively impacted on agricultural food chain. It disrupted food production and distribution systems, jeopardizes people’ access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food, and affects the livelihood of farmers and others working along the supply chain. In most developing countries, Agriculture is a labor-intensive business. The mobility restrictions impose pressure especially during peak seasons, clearly leads to food production losses. In addition, due to plant shutdown and labor shortage, the production and supply of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are seriously affected. Costs of agricultural inputs have risen during the pandemic periods, putting pressure on food producers, causing price fluctuation and raising concerns for further inflation and political volatility.
保持定力 破局前行 ——公司召開(kāi)2024年度工作會(huì)議